Lights Out!
Today, without warning, the electricity went out in our town for a few hours.
And since this has become pretty much a monthly occurance I'm starting to realize that this may be a little taste of what my life is going to be like living in a small town in Hungary. Generally we don't have it too rough here. Other than being very small town'ish things are pretty normal and comfortable. But then every once in a while something like this happens and you get a quick reality check that it isn't home.
For someone who doesn't like the the unexpected, the whole thing just doesn't make sense to me. What if my laundry is midway through a cycle? What if I am microwaving something for dinner? What if I am getting ready to go out and I can't use my hair dryer or curling iron? What if, well what if I'm inconvenienced?!
Did I say that I don't like the unexpected?
This experience has also made me realize (although I already knew it) how much I depend on my computer. I was practically at a loss to know what work I could catch up on that didn't require something from my laptop. Emails? No. Research? No. Internet phone call to a teammate in the US? No. Reviewing lesson plans on my computer? No.
I ended up writing out my ESL lesson plans for next week by hand (who knew I could still write!), read a few chapters of my Alpha Course "Questions of Life" book which led me to do a doctrinal study on the sovereignty of God (that's a whole other blog entry), and perused through a few chapters of an old book. It actually ended up being pretty fun and I probably got more done than normal since there was no TV or other distraction going on in the background.
Imagine that.
At one point Sharon called (did I mention that this was an equal opportunity Petofibanya outage?) to say how glad she was that our mobile phones still work during situations like these. It was all fun and rejoicing until my phone battery started beeping.
Ability to recharge my phone?
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