10 Things I Love About Fall

Fall is my absolute favorite season with winter a close second and then spring and summer following in that order. Yes, I know, I'm weird in that everyone else's favorite, summer, is on the bottom of my list. It's funny, both my mom and grandmother mentioned to me this week how excited they were that winter was coming...
(Apparently it's a family thing.)
So, without further ado here's my list.
1. Leaves turning colors (in particular the color red as tree leaves don't turn red in Hungary. it's all very sad.)
2. Penn State Football (win or lose!)
3. Pumpkin Patches
4. The smell of fall burning leaves? (you know, that smell.)
5. The anticipation and promise of a new beginning (September has always inspired me waaaay more than the New Year)
6. School supplies! (even as an adult I love, I mean really really love, school supplies!)
7. Cooler weather
8. Bonfires and hayrides
9. Jackets and sweatshirts
10. Thanksgiving
What do you love about fall?
1. hearing the leaves crunch under my feet
2. seeing my breath in the morning
3. wearing plaid and wool
4. crisp air
5. sharp pencils
6. fun kicky high heeled boots
7. hearing the spine crack when opening a brand new notebook
8. scarves and gloves
9. Penn State football (but only if they win.. when they lose I get cranky)
10. don't have to even think about wearing a bathing suit for 9 months!
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Anonymous |
9:39 PM
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